
This vignette serves as a technical guide for integrating new Quarto documents into the package website. The process includes adding .qmd files, updating configurations, and rendering the site. This workflow ensures that new documentation (including articles, summaries, and presentations) is properly displayed on the website.


  • The main script for rendering the Quarto documents is located in the slides directory, under the filename main.R.
  • You will need the pkgdown package installed to locally build and test the site.

Adding a New Document

Step 1: Place the .qmd File in the slides Directory

To add a new document to the website, first, ensure that the Quarto file (.qmd) is placed in the slides directory. This directory houses all the source files for the site’s content.

Step 2: Edit the _quarto.yml File

After adding the .qmd file, navigate to the _quarto.yml file found in the slides directory. You need to add the new file to the YAML configuration so that it can be included in the site.

  1. Open _quarto.yml in a text editor.
  2. Locate the section listing the documents to be rendered.
  3. Add the filename of the new .qmd file to the list. Here’s an example:
  type: website
  output-dir: ../docs/articles
    - data_summary.qmd
    - standout_presentation.qmd
    - standout_transcripts.qmd

Step 3: Run the main.R Script

Once the .qmd file is added to the configuration, run the main.R script f ound in the slides directory to render the document and update the website files.

# In R

This script will create the necessary web files for the site in the docs/articles subdirectory.

Adding a Document to a Submenu

To organize the document under a specific section (e.g., “Articles” or “Methods”), you will need to edit the _pkgdown.yml file located in the root directory.

  1. Open _pkgdown.yml in your code editor.
  2. Locate the section under “Articles” or the relevant submenu.
  3. Add an entry for the new file, similar to how existing documents are organized:
title: teamlahti
url: https://github.com/NCBI-Codeathons/amr-2024-team-lahti
    bootswatch: flatly
    ganalytics: UA-84499524-2
  - title: Exported Functions
    desc: ~
  - title: Internals
    desc: ~
  type: inverse
    - icon: fa-home
      href: articles/index.html
    - text: "Articles"
      icon: fas fa-book
      -  text: Installation
         href: https://github.com/NCBI-Codeathons/amr-2024-team-lahti
      -  text: Data summary
         href: articles/data_summary.html
      -  text: Presentation 9.24.24

Step 4: Build the Site Locally

Once the necessary changes are made, run build_site() from the console to test the site locally:


This command will render the site in your local environment so you can review the changes before pushing them to the repository.

Final Step: Commit and Push Changes

If everything looks good, commit your changes and push them to the remote repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Added new quarto document to site"
git push origin main

Once the changes are pushed, the new document should be live on the site after the deployment process completes.